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Author Archives: Eric

Jordan and Michael (Shady Elms Farm DJ)

A little creativity can go a long way.  A lot of creativity can help create a wedding day that is guaranteed to be like no other.  Everywhere you looked at the celebration of Jordan Spindler and Michael Gehlmann there were special, unique, and extremely creative touches.  They poured themselves into making their special day at Shady Elms Farm one...

Chelsey and Patrick (Marriott City Center DJ)

Elegance is a difficult word to describe, but you certainly know it when you see it.  This past weekend I was fortunate to be the DJ for the wedding of Chelsey Miller and Patrick McKenney at the Marriott City Center in downtown Pittsburgh, and everything about this perfect evening reflected a sense of simple elegance...

Emily and Matt (Alpine Room, SNPJ DJ)

With all the things to coordinate for the wedding day, will you remember to have fun?  It’s so easy to get caught up in the stress, but it’s important to take time and relax, be goofy and just embrace the good times.  At the reception of Emily Oswald and Matthew Milbert, there was plenty of...

Beth and Steve (Shannopin Country Club)

Every couple faces bumps on the way from engagement to “I Do”.  The big question is, how will you deal with these obstacles? No one would ever know that Beth Buresh and Steve Panicucci had any problems at all when planning their perfect wedding celebration at the Shannopin Country Club in Pittsburgh, PA.  They didn’t...

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