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Author Archives: Eric

Lindsay and Jason (Carnegie Museum Wedding DJ)

This past weekend, I was given the opportunity to perform at a wedding reception that included all of my favorite things about being a DJ.  The wedding and reception of Lindsay Daldoss and Captain Jason Hall was held the day before Memorial Day at the Carnegie Museum Music Hall Foyer in Pittsburgh, PA.  The first of my...

Mother and Son Dance Song Ideas

I’m a huge fan of Spotify.  This year I have been testing various ways to incorporate this amazing online music resource in the wedding planning process.  I’ve worked to create a great variety of playlists to help people choose songs to use during the big events at the reception.  (It’s always easy to hear the...

Natalie and John (Phipps Conservatory DJ)

Sometimes when I meet a couple for the first time, I can just tell how much fun we’re going to have at their reception.  That was certainly the case when I met Natalie Laneri and John Hurst to discuss their wedding at Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh, PA.  Their outgoing and fun nature made me feel...

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